All agile for the sake of global collaboration

Everything my dear readers dreamt of: the whole global collaboration vision in one place, simple but not simplistic!

In fact, quite the opposite.

We are talking about an ambitious project, with many dimensions. If I wrote more than 400 articles over the past year, let me say, there is a good reason.

In this post, my aim is to present the central tool that the global collaboration team has selected for all its possibilities, and its name is CubeX.

Thanks to it, we are even more convinced, that we will manage the complexity of our amazing adventure. So let me spoil you today with a short not so technical article to unveil just a bit more of the agenda.

All of us may be familiar with the agile methods, but you might not be aware of their limitations. And, if they have greatly improved over the past 20 years the management of complex projects, to make them more adaptable for instance, they are not yet sufficient. In fact, more than 50% of projects are failing in some way or another, either because the budget is not respected, the quality is not there, or the deadlines are passed. Imagine when it comes to big projects, what this can mean. Yes, rock'n'roll! And certainly not serious work. We can do better.

That's why, we will invest in a tool that can offer us many more possibilities, in particular, to compensate for the lack of control we may have over, for instance:

  • phenomena of emergence, endogenous or exogenous to the projects
  • the propagation of effects through the many types of hierarchical structures they can conceal.

CubeX's philosophy is powerfully embracing dialectical thinking and we see in it the possibility to have not only a better view of the whole system beyond silos but also to work with the many dimensions in a very powerful way. We need a meta-view of everything that is happening to offer the right level of coordination that change leaders around the globe will expect of us.

We won't be here to entertain the crowds, but to offer real value, in particular, to amplify the impact of all who want to act.

CubeX was developed by Patrick Marquet. The fundamental idea is the introduction of the environmental dimension in a ubiquitous way over the life cycle of a product or service.

This little revolution was brought in an agile way and designed around horizontal and vertical traceability. It is based on "the X development method, which provides a different perspective on the construction of technical systems.

It relies on two founding ideas: a ubiquitous environment and a simulation of the behaviour induced by the definition of the system itself. The main advantages targeted are a shortened development time, better integration into the environment, a consideration of the whole lifecycle from the design until the end-of-life recovery, and detection of design problems earlier." M. Tahan, A. Touil, J. Vareille, P. Le Parc (LISYC – Complex Systems Computing Laboratory – Brest University)

Now let me show you what this looks like. 

Views (composition of different dimensions) change automatically when a value is modified, making it powerful to support any of our decisions! Well, you cannot imagine how excited we are to be using it from now on.

For example state of couple A = (Agents, Accessible Environments) at time t. We would be interested in the state A' of A at time t + t'. In this perspective and for algorithmic and computability considerations we model CubeX as a hypercube.

It's an amazing growth journey we are launching, and if you are ready to learn a lot and enjoy many adventures with us, you are most welcome on the team!

Our aim: to gather one billion coleaders around the globe to achieve the metamorphosis that is needed. Keyword: empowerment!

Tomorrow, I will share the story to engage around (the manifesto was just here to accompany your patience which we know can be challenging in our post-industrial era; and THE plan that I hope will offer you a few surprises. In fact, we love surprises! But not expensive ones thus our investment in this "Rolls-Royce" project management tool). 

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